Winter Pet Safety

two cats curled together

Karen's Tasha and Keegan enjoy the furnace vent © Karen Sable

by Karen  Sable, Guest Columnist

Winter is upon us and, while Western Pennsylvania has so far been spared any brutally cold weather or major blizzards, we know our luck can’t last, and that another “Snowmaggedon” could be just around the corner. In my last article I talked about some of the holiday hazards our pets can encounter. While the holidays have passed, the winter season itself requires some common sense precautions to help keep our furry family members healthy and safe.

Not all pets are “winter hardy”

It’s an unfortunate misconception that cats and dogs are equipped to handle the cold weather because they have fur. The truth is, unless your pet is well adapted to living outdoors, the cold weather can be just as hard on them as it is on us. If your pet normally only leaves the comfort of your home just long enough for a walk or some play time, they are not adapted to spending extended periods of time outdoors, and can become victims of cold injuries just as easily as we can.

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Holiday Pet Safety

black cat with lights

Fromage says, "Lights? What lights? I don't know how they got that way."

by Karen  Sable, Guest Columnist

The holidays are a special time of the year, filled with friends and family, parties and food, presents and decorations. The holiday season is also, unfortunately, one of the busiest times for emergency veterinary hospitals, since all of the festivities expose our furry family members to a multitude of dangers that can result in illness and injury.

As a loving pet parent, we naturally want to share the joy of the holidays with our pets. I don’t mind admitting that each of my six cats has a stocking hanging above the fireplace, and I know that “Santa Claws” will be bringing them presents since they all have been very good this year. (With the possible exception of Tasha, who decided to squeeze into a small crawlspace between my basement and first floor, forcing me to miss an event I was to attend while I completely dismantled the drop ceiling to get to her.)

To make sure that the holidays are a happy time for you and your pet, not a time for a trip to the animal hospital, it’s important to be aware of the seasonal dangers, and to take precautions to avoid exposing your pet to these potential hazards:

two tortoiseshell cats eating cheesecake filling

Two Naughty Torties Eating Cheesecake Filling

Food Related Items

  • Many of the yummy foods we enjoy during the holidays can cause problems for our pets. Rich, fatty foods can cause upset stomachs and even lead to pancreatitisChocolate, coffee, and tea contain components called xanthines which can damage dogs’ and cats’ nervous system and urinary system, and also over-stimulate their heart muscle. Dark chocolate and baking chocolate are the worst, but to be safe, any chocolate, fudge, or other candy should be kept out of reach of your pet. Many people add raisins and nuts to their holiday cakes and cookies, but raisins and grapes can cause kidney damage, and Macadamia nuts can be toxic, affecting both the digestive and nervous systems. The artificial sweetener Xylitol, used in many “sugar free” baked goods, as well as in candy, gum, and even breath mints, can also be toxic. Uncooked meat, poultry, or fish can be a source of danger, as it may contain bacteria, such as E.coli, or even parasites. Even uncooked yeast dough, if eaten by a dog or cat, can cause serious problems. As it expands, it produces gas, which can not only cause considerable pain, but can even lead to a rupture of the stomach or intestines.
  • Don’t forget about bones from poultry, meat, or fish. Not only can they be a choking danger, but they can also splinter into jagged pieces and cause lacerations in the mouth, throat, and intestines. Dogs and cats have a great sense of smell, so even food/meat juices on aluminum foil or plastic wrap left on countertops can be very tempting, and can cause choking or an intestinal blockage.  The same goes for things like the strings used to wrap roasts.
  • Be sure not to leave food laying out where your pet can get to it, and make sure your garbage cans are also secure. “Dumpster diving” can be hazardous to your pet, as the garbage contains all kinds of hazards, from plastic wrap and bags, cooked and uncooked food trimmings, bones, 6-pack beverage holders, ribbons, tinsel, etc.
  • If you are serving any alcoholic beverages during the holidays, you also need to be careful to keep them away from your pet. Alcohol can cause serious intoxication, and can be fatal with just a small amount. Dogs and cats can be tempted by the sweet taste of drinks, such as eggnog, so make sure they are kept out of your pet’s reach, and that the glasses used for those drinks are not left laying around.
black cat with gift

Giuseppe investigates a gift.

Decorations and trees

  • Many of us fill our homes with beautiful decorations for the holidays, but these can be dangerous to our pets if some common sense precautions are not taken. If you are going to put up a Christmas tree, make sure it is in a stable stand, and secure it to a wall or window with twine or fishing line. I learned first hand a few years ago just how quickly one cat can topple a fully decorated tree I thought was secure in its stand, and I now tie my tree top to my drapery rod with fishing line.
  • Cats in particular are attracted to things like tinsel which, if  ingested, can cause blockages requiring surgery. If your tree is at all accessible to your pet, it would  probably be safest to avoid decorating it with tinsel or angel hair at all, and using a more pet friendly decoration. If you use any food items at all to decorate your tree, some caution is necessary.  Candy canes and gingerbread ornaments can be tempting. Likewise, garlands strung with popcorn or berries can pose choking hazards or cause obstructions if ingested.
  • Be careful with any ornaments you place on the tree. Glass ornaments can be knocked off and broken and cause cuts. Smaller ornaments can pose choking dangers. It’s better to place larger, non-breakable ornaments near the lower part of the tree where curious paws may reach. And, when hanging ornaments, be careful with the wire hooks. They can also be choking hazards, or can become imbedded in your pet’s mouth or esophagus.
  • Christmas tree needles can also pose a problem. Real tree needles are not only sharp, but can be toxic and cause mouth and stomach irritation, so make sure your pet does not chew on your tree branches, and promptly clean up needles as they fall. You also should be careful with any tree preservatives you may use. Many tree preservatives are sugar-based, so are tempting to pets. Not only can the chemicals in the tree preservative be toxic, but since the water remains in the stand for so long, it can harbor bacteria.  Some people simply drop a few aspirin in their tree water as a preservative, and we all know that aspirin can be toxic to pets.  The safest thing is to place some sort of covering over your tree stand to prevent your pet from being able to drink from it.
  • And don’t forget the electrical cords for the tree lights or other decorative lights around your home. Be sure to take precautions so that your pet doesn’t chew them. One suggestion is to spray the cords with a product like bitter apple to make them less attractive to curious pets.
  • You should also use some precautions with gift wrapping. Ribbon and yarn can be very tempting to cats especially, so don’t leave it laying around. If you place wrapped gifts under the tree, you may want to consider placing “scat mats’ around the tree to deter your pet from playing with them.
cat in Santa suit

Crystal plays Santa.

Holiday Plants

It turns out that poinsettas are not the deadly poisonous plant we once thought they were. However, its sap is still quite irritating, and can cause blistering in your pet’s mouth and gastrointestinal irritation if ingested, so some precaution is still in order if you have them around your home. Holly leaves and berries are actually more dangerous, and can be potentially fatal. Mistletoe can also cause upset stomachs, and can even lead to heart problems if ingested.  Even hibiscus can cause upset stomachs and diarrhea. To be safe, any plants placed in your home should be placed out of reach of your pet.


We also need to exercise caution with the gifts we give each other, as they can pose dangers to our pets. Aftershave and perfume are often popular gifts, but they contain alcohol, and may also contain oils which can be toxic to pets. Be sure to keep any such gifts tightly closed and out of reach of paws. Many gifts given and received these days run on batteries, from toys, to cell phones, to laptops and electronics, to anything with a remote control. The acid inside even a tiny battery which is used to prolong its life is corrosive. If chewed it can cause burns to your pet’s mouth, throat, and stomach. Even if it is swallowed whole, not only is it a choking hazard, but as it is digested the acid will leak out and cause serious potentially life-threatening problems. Be careful not to leave batteries laying around, and also take care that your pet does not chew anything containing batteries.  Even the packaging some gifts come in can be a potential danger.  The styrofoam peanuts or wire twist ties used to secure many items pose hazards for choking and intestinal blockage, and if ingested can land your pet in surgery.

black cat with catnip toy

Giuseppe sings the joys of catnip.


Believe it or not, potpourri is one of the more common causes of visits to pet ERs during the holidays. Many of us love to fill our homes with the scent of pine, or ginger bread, or pumpkin pie during the holidays. But that same fragrance that is so pleasant to us is also enticing to our pets. Both the liquid and the dry form of potpourri contain oils that can be toxic to our pets if ingested, and the dry form, like that that may be placed in bowls and set on tables, can be a choking hazard.  If using potpourri, be careful to keep it out of reach of pets.

The above information is certainly not intended as an all-inclusive list of the dangers that exist for our pets during the holidays. These are just some of the more common things that we all need to be aware of as we enjoy the holidays with our pets. With just some simple, common sense precautions, we can make sure that the holidays are filled with joy and happiness , and that a trip to the vet hospital is not among our holiday activities.

On behalf of myself and my furry family (Colby, Maddie, Jasper, Jasmine, Tasha, and Keegan), I wish you and yours the merriest of holiday seasons, and a happy, and safe, new year.

karen and dog

Karen with a friend's dog, Sequoia

About Karen Sable
Karen Sable, owner of Pet Emergency Training, LLC, completed the Pet Tech Instructor program in March, 2011 and teaches pet first aid classes in the Pittsburgh area. Karen is a trained responder with several national animal response/rescue teams, including American Humane’s Red Star Animal Emergency Services Team, United Animal Nations’ Emergency Animal Rescue Service, and Noah’s Wish Disaster Response Team. She is also a member of the PA/Allegheny County Animal Response Team, and a volunteer animal rescue transporter.

In addition to having a Veterinary Assistant diploma, Karen’s training certifications include Emergency Animal Sheltering, Large Animal Rescue, Animals in Disaster, Livestock in Disaster, Hazardous Materials, Incident Command and National Incident Management. As a former healthcare Human Resources Director, Karen now devotes her extensive training experience, and love of animals, to teaching pet care professionals and fellow pet parents the skills and knowledge that can save their pets and improve the quality of their pets’ lives. Visit her website at Pet Emergency Training, LLC.

An article by Karen on a timely pet first aid, wellness or disaster rescue topic will appear on The Creative Cat on the first Friday of every month.

November 2011: Senior Pets Make Great Friends!

October 2011: Help Your Pets to Stay Well

October 2011: The Snout-to-Tail Wellness Assessment

September 2011: Are Your Pets Prepared For An Emergency ?

Read more about Karen in The Creative Cat Welcomes Guest Columnist Karen Sable.

Holiday Pet Safety

black cat with lights

Fromage says, "Lights? What lights? I don't know how they got that way."

by Karen  Sable, Guest Columnist

The holidays are a special time of the year, filled with friends and family, parties and food, presents and decorations. The holiday season is also, unfortunately, one of the busiest times for emergency veterinary hospitals, since all of the festivities expose our furry family members to a multitude of dangers that can result in illness and injury.

As a loving pet parent, we naturally want to share the joy of the holidays with our pets. I don’t mind admitting that each of my six cats has a stocking hanging above the fireplace, and I know that “Santa Claws” will be bringing them presents since they all have been very good this year. (With the possible exception of Tasha, who decided to squeeze into a small crawlspace between my basement and first floor, forcing me to miss an event I was to attend while I completely dismantled the drop ceiling to get to her.)

To make sure that the holidays are a happy time for you and your pet, not a time for a trip to the animal hospital, it’s important to be aware of the seasonal dangers, and to take precautions to avoid exposing your pet to these potential hazards:

two tortoiseshell cats eating cheesecake filling

Two Naughty Torties Eating Cheesecake Filling

Food Related Items

  • Many of the yummy foods we enjoy during the holidays can cause problems for our pets. Rich, fatty foods can cause upset stomachs and even lead to pancreatitisChocolate, coffee, and tea contain components called xanthines which can damage dogs’ and cats’ nervous system and urinary system, and also over-stimulate their heart muscle. Dark chocolate and baking chocolate are the worst, but to be safe, any chocolate, fudge, or other candy should be kept out of reach of your pet. Many people add raisins and nuts to their holiday cakes and cookies, but raisins and grapes can cause kidney damage, and Macadamia nuts can be toxic, affecting both the digestive and nervous systems. The artificial sweetener Xylitol, used in many “sugar free” baked goods, as well as in candy, gum, and even breath mints, can also be toxic. Uncooked meat, poultry, or fish can be a source of danger, as it may contain bacteria, such as E.coli, or even parasites. Even uncooked yeast dough, if eaten by a dog or cat, can cause serious problems. As it expands, it produces gas, which can not only cause considerable pain, but can even lead to a rupture of the stomach or intestines.
  • Don’t forget about bones from poultry, meat, or fish. Not only can they be a choking danger, but they can also splinter into jagged pieces and cause lacerations in the mouth, throat, and intestines. Dogs and cats have a great sense of smell, so even food/meat juices on aluminum foil or plastic wrap left on countertops can be very tempting, and can cause choking or an intestinal blockage.  The same goes for things like the strings used to wrap roasts.
  • Be sure not to leave food laying out where your pet can get to it, and make sure your garbage cans are also secure. “Dumpster diving” can be hazardous to your pet, as the garbage contains all kinds of hazards, from plastic wrap and bags, cooked and uncooked food trimmings, bones, 6-pack beverage holders, ribbons, tinsel, etc.
  • If you are serving any alcoholic beverages during the holidays, you also need to be careful to keep them away from your pet. Alcohol can cause serious intoxication, and can be fatal with just a small amount. Dogs and cats can be tempted by the sweet taste of drinks, such as eggnog, so make sure they are kept out of your pet’s reach, and that the glasses used for those drinks are not left laying around.
black cat with gift

Giuseppe investigates a gift.

Decorations and trees

  • Many of us fill our homes with beautiful decorations for the holidays, but these can be dangerous to our pets if some common sense precautions are not taken. If you are going to put up a Christmas tree, make sure it is in a stable stand, and secure it to a wall or window with twine or fishing line. I learned first hand a few years ago just how quickly one cat can topple a fully decorated tree I thought was secure in its stand, and I now tie my tree top to my drapery rod with fishing line.
  • Cats in particular are attracted to things like tinsel which, if  ingested, can cause blockages requiring surgery. If your tree is at all accessible to your pet, it would  probably be safest to avoid decorating it with tinsel or angel hair at all, and using a more pet friendly decoration. If you use any food items at all to decorate your tree, some caution is necessary.  Candy canes and gingerbread ornaments can be tempting. Likewise, garlands strung with popcorn or berries can pose choking hazards or cause obstructions if ingested.
  • Be careful with any ornaments you place on the tree. Glass ornaments can be knocked off and broken and cause cuts. Smaller ornaments can pose choking dangers. It’s better to place larger, non-breakable ornaments near the lower part of the tree where curious paws may reach. And, when hanging ornaments, be careful with the wire hooks. They can also be choking hazards, or can become imbedded in your pet’s mouth or esophagus.
  • Christmas tree needles can also pose a problem. Real tree needles are not only sharp, but can be toxic and cause mouth and stomach irritation, so make sure your pet does not chew on your tree branches, and promptly clean up needles as they fall. You also should be careful with any tree preservatives you may use. Many tree preservatives are sugar-based, so are tempting to pets. Not only can the chemicals in the tree preservative be toxic, but since the water remains in the stand for so long, it can harbor bacteria.  Some people simply drop a few aspirin in their tree water as a preservative, and we all know that aspirin can be toxic to pets.  The safest thing is to place some sort of covering over your tree stand to prevent your pet from being able to drink from it.
  • And don’t forget the electrical cords for the tree lights or other decorative lights around your home. Be sure to take precautions so that your pet doesn’t chew them. One suggestion is to spray the cords with a product like bitter apple to make them less attractive to curious pets.
  • You should also use some precautions with gift wrapping. Ribbon and yarn can be very tempting to cats especially, so don’t leave it laying around. If you place wrapped gifts under the tree, you may want to consider placing “scat mats’ around the tree to deter your pet from playing with them.
cat in Santa suit

Crystal plays Santa.

Holiday Plants

It turns out that poinsettas are not the deadly poisonous plant we once thought they were. However, its sap is still quite irritating, and can cause blistering in your pet’s mouth and gastrointestinal irritation if ingested, so some precaution is still in order if you have them around your home. Holly leaves and berries are actually more dangerous, and can be potentially fatal. Mistletoe can also cause upset stomachs, and can even lead to heart problems if ingested.  Even hibiscus can cause upset stomachs and diarrhea. To be safe, any plants placed in your home should be placed out of reach of your pet.


We also need to exercise caution with the gifts we give each other, as they can pose dangers to our pets. Aftershave and perfume are often popular gifts, but they contain alcohol, and may also contain oils which can be toxic to pets. Be sure to keep any such gifts tightly closed and out of reach of paws. Many gifts given and received these days run on batteries, from toys, to cell phones, to laptops and electronics, to anything with a remote control. The acid inside even a tiny battery which is used to prolong its life is corrosive. If chewed it can cause burns to your pet’s mouth, throat, and stomach. Even if it is swallowed whole, not only is it a choking hazard, but as it is digested the acid will leak out and cause serious potentially life-threatening problems. Be careful not to leave batteries laying around, and also take care that your pet does not chew anything containing batteries.  Even the packaging some gifts come in can be a potential danger.  The styrofoam peanuts or wire twist ties used to secure many items pose hazards for choking and intestinal blockage, and if ingested can land your pet in surgery.

black cat with catnip toy

Giuseppe sings the joys of catnip.


Believe it or not, potpourri is one of the more common causes of visits to pet ERs during the holidays. Many of us love to fill our homes with the scent of pine, or ginger bread, or pumpkin pie during the holidays. But that same fragrance that is so pleasant to us is also enticing to our pets. Both the liquid and the dry form of potpourri contain oils that can be toxic to our pets if ingested, and the dry form, like that that may be placed in bowls and set on tables, can be a choking hazard.  If using potpourri, be careful to keep it out of reach of pets.

The above information is certainly not intended as an all-inclusive list of the dangers that exist for our pets during the holidays. These are just some of the more common things that we all need to be aware of as we enjoy the holidays with our pets. With just some simple, common sense precautions, we can make sure that the holidays are filled with joy and happiness , and that a trip to the vet hospital is not among our holiday activities.

On behalf of myself and my furry family (Colby, Maddie, Jasper, Jasmine, Tasha, and Keegan), I wish you and yours the merriest of holiday seasons, and a happy, and safe, new year.

karen and dog

Karen with a friend's dog, Sequoia

About Karen Sable
Karen Sable, owner of Pet Emergency Training, LLC, completed the Pet Tech Instructor program in March, 2011 and teaches pet first aid classes in the Pittsburgh area. Karen is a trained responder with several national animal response/rescue teams, including American Humane’s Red Star Animal Emergency Services Team, United Animal Nations’ Emergency Animal Rescue Service, and Noah’s Wish Disaster Response Team. She is also a member of the PA/Allegheny County Animal Response Team, and a volunteer animal rescue transporter.

In addition to having a Veterinary Assistant diploma, Karen’s training certifications include Emergency Animal Sheltering, Large Animal Rescue, Animals in Disaster, Livestock in Disaster, Hazardous Materials, Incident Command and National Incident Management. As a former healthcare Human Resources Director, Karen now devotes her extensive training experience, and love of animals, to teaching pet care professionals and fellow pet parents the skills and knowledge that can save their pets and improve the quality of their pets’ lives. Visit her website at Pet Emergency Training, LLC.

An article by Karen on a timely pet first aid, wellness or disaster rescue topic will appear on The Creative Cat on the first Friday of every month.

November 2011: Senior Pets Make Great Friends!

October 2011: Help Your Pets to Stay Well

October 2011: The Snout-to-Tail Wellness Assessment

September 2011: Are Your Pets Prepared For An Emergency ?

Read more about Karen in The Creative Cat Welcomes Guest Columnist Karen Sable.

Senior Pets Make Great Friends!

tri-color cat

Despite her expression, Lacey was very grateful to have adopted Karen.

by Karen  Sable, Guest Columnist

I have always had a soft spot in my heart for senior pets. When I visit a shelter or browse the listings on Petfinder, I certainly love the young puppies and kittens, but I am usually drawn to the senior pets. To me their eyes seem to reflect a wisdom, and what I call a “soulfulness”. Plus, I know that they are less likely to be adopted, and I have always been inclined to favor the “underdog”. Over the past twenty or so years, I have become the “mother” to ten cats. While some younger ones chose me by showing up in my yard and deciding they would move in, of those that I made a conscious decision to go and adopt, all were seniors.

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The Snout-To-Tail Wellness Assessment

black cat sleeoping on back

Mr. Sunshine is ready for his assessment.

by Karen Sable, Guest Columnist

As part of Pet Wellness Month, one action every pet parent can learn to contribute to their pet’s wellness is to frequently perform their own Snout-To-Tail Wellness Assessment.

This “tool” is a systematic and deliberate method for evaluating and knowing the status of your pet’s everyday health. It allows you to learn what is “normal” for your pet, and therefore to be able to more quickly recognize something that is not normal, making early detection more likely.

It can also be a good bonding experience for you and your pet. The Wellness Assessment ideally should be done at least once a week, with the results of each assessment documented. By examining your pet from Snout-to-Tail on a regular, ongoing basis, and keeping records of each assessment, you are able to detect any irregularities (lumps, bumps, swelling, tenderness, secretions, etc.), and also identify and changes since your last assessment. This can provide vital information for following up with your Vet.

The Snout-To-Tail Wellness Assessment is a skill that is best learned by taking a Pet Tech “PetSaver” or Pet CPR and First Aid class, such as those I teach, but the following steps summarize what is involved in the assessment. You’ll be able to download this as a checklist with a link at the end of this article.

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Help Your Pets to Stay Well

two cats on couch

Jasmine and Colby, courtesy Karen Sable

by Karen  Sable, Guest Columnist

October is recognized as National Pet Wellness Month, so what better time to think about what you are doing, or should be doing, to help your pet stay well and live a long, healthy life?

The nationwide campaign is sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), and the goal is to educate pet parents about the importance of twice-a-year wellness examinations for our furry family members, and the steps that we can take to help prevent disease in our pets, as well as increase the likelihood of early detection.

photo of two cats

Stanley and Moses, old friends

We all understand the importance of prevention and early detection for our own health, and the need for regular visits with our doctor and routine screening tests, especially as we get older. But it is also important that we take similar steps to help our furry family members maintain their good health.

Our pets age, on average, about seven times faster than we do, and so significant health changes can occur in a relatively short period of time. Taking your dog or cat to the veterinarian just once a year is essentially the same as you seeing your doctor or dentist just once every seven years!  That’s why the AVMA advocates that our pets get a wellness exam every six months, as this better enables the vet to detect, treat, and ideally prevent problems before they become serious or even life-threatening.

Cats in particular

cat under table

Namir under the table.

Educating cat owners about the importance of twice-a year wellness examinations is even more critical since, according to the AVMA, cats are brought to the veterinarian only about half as often as dogs. As those of us who have cats know all too well, our feline family members are very skilled at hiding signs of illness. That trait likely goes back to their big cat ancestors in the wild, who knew instinctively that any signs of weakness or illness made them easier targets for predators.  Unfortunately, this “big cat” trait means that we may not observe the signs of illness or disease in our cats until it is more advanced. By taking our cats for twice-a-year wellness exams and appropriate screening tests, we greatly increase the likelihood that any medical condition can be detected early, while there is a greater chance of a successful outcome.

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Are Your Pets Prepared For An Emergency ?

flooded area

Flash flooding in Carnegie, PA during Hurricane Ivan in 2004.

by Karen  Sable, Guest Columnist

September is “National Preparedness Month,” which was started in 2004 by FEMA and the Dept. of Homeland Security to encourage Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies. With that in mind, this is a timely opportunity to ask yourself if you have a good Emergency/Disaster Plan for your family which includes any pets you may have.

If you had to quickly evacuate your home, and possibly be unable to return for an extended period, do you have a “Go Kit” stocked and ready for you and your pets that would enable you to be self-sufficient for at least 5-7 days? Do you know where you could/would go with your pets ? If you lost all power and were unable to leave your home for some time (remember “Snowmageddon” ), would you and your pets have enough food, water, medications, and other supplies to be able to wait out the emergency? If you were not at home when an emergency occurred, or were unable to get home for some reason, have you made arrangements with someone who would be able to get to and care for your pets? These are all questions you need to answer before an emergency or disaster happens!

When you hear the word disaster or emergency, you may immediately think about the kind of natural disasters you see on TV, like tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and major flooding. But emergencies that may require evacuation, that may prevent you from getting home, or that may strand you inside your home, aren’t just limited to big natural disasters. Think about what you and your pets would do if:

  •  A construction crew digging in the area ruptures a large gas line, or a train carrying a toxic substance derails on nearby tracks, and your neighborhood must immediately be evacuated;
  •  There’s an explosion in a nearby gas well, factory, or power plant and the Fire Dept. comes knocking at your door and orders you to leave;
  • A sudden storm hits while you are at work, flooding and closing roads, and making it impossible for you to get home to let your dog out, feed the cats, or give them needed medication;
  • A major snow/ice storm hits, knocking out power, and making the roads impassible. It may be days before power is restored or you can leave your home.

Make your plan ahead of time

If you had to evacuate with your pets, shelter at home for some period, or provide for your pet’s safety and care in your absence, do you have a plan in place?

cat with tag

Karen's cat Maddie.

The following recommendations and guidelines are intended to help pet parents prepare for an emergency or disaster so that if/when one occurs, you can greatly increase your pet’s chances of survival:

Arrange with a trusted neighbor, nearby friend, or family member to be responsible for your pet in case you are not home, or are not able to get home. Make sure they have the key to your house and are familiar with and comfortable with your pets. If evacuation is necessary, ensure that they are willing to take your pets, know the location of your pet carriers, crates, leashes, etc., as well as your pet emergency “go-kit.” Pre-arrange how/where you would meet, and exchange emergency contact information, including places where your pets would be welcome and could be temporarily sheltered .

Since evacuation shelters for people generally do not accept pets (except for service animals), you must plan ahead to make sure you know where your pets would have a safe place to stay once evacuated. While state and local governments are required to include companion animals in their emergency plans, that does not mean that any shelter provided for pets will be with or even near the human shelters. Could a friend or family member a safe distance away take in you and your pets? Research, locate, and make a list of any pet friendly hotels where you and your pets could go. In an emergency, some hotels which do not normally allow pets will waive their “no pets” policy, but you need to find that out ahead of time. Include on your list any boarding facilities, kennels, animal shelters, or veterinary offices/hospitals which could provide temporary shelter for your pets.

Make sure that your pet is wearing up-to-date identification information at all times. This includes listing not just your home phone number on their tag, but also your cell phone number, or even the number of a friend or relative outside of your area. If your pet were to become lost, you want to make sure that the contact number on their tag will be answered even if you are not at home.

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