Daily Sketch: Twilight Cats

two cat silhouettes

Twilight Cats, colored pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

No, not like vampires and all that, just at the twilight time of day, Mimi and Jelly Bean looking out the window into the blue of twilight.

I love cat silhouettes. Of course this family of black cats is natural for that, but I have also identified my cats by their silhouettes no matter their color. The other reason is that cats often have an introspective time where they are simply quiet and the silhouettes always remind me of that other part of the I also love. In addition to the two colors and sketchiness, I also picture this with fabric-like fills, as if they were appliqués on a quilt.

Of course, I just did this sketch since it is now finally fully dark. Mewsette absolutely tortured me while I finished the indigo on the figures and especially the dusk in the background, biting my pencil, biting my sketchbook, headbutting my arm, happily walking all over my lap and generally being disruptive. So much for neatly coloring. But Mewsette was so happy I couldn’t make her leave.


Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Mimi Shape

purple shape of cat

Mimi Shape, colored pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

Not what I set out to do when I grabbed the purple colored pencil to sketch Mimi bathing by the window, but as soon as I got the quick initial outline down, she decided she had been sketched enough lately. But I was involved enough in the sketch that I decided to continue.

Without my model my visualization wandered from the details I’d gathered and knew by heart and I just remembered that graceful curve ending in the curl of her tail. You can see a few other tries and other lines around the edges, so to clarify I hardened the lines I wanted then added some interior shading. Reminds me of a good old doodle. But I like the sculptural feel, and the will to abstract a familiar shape. And Mimi is definitely a purple kitty.

As soon as I was done she came right back. Taught me a lesson about using my imagination!


Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Mimi on My Arm

sketch of cat

Mimi on My Arm, charcoal pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

Well, not quite on my arm, but she was before I decided to sketch her like this. I’m trying for another unusual angle, though it’s one I see all the time, Mimi on my keyboard shelf resting on my right wrist facing either away from me or toward me, as she is here.

Clever girl watched me sketch her. She didn’t tell me what she thought.


Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Use Your Credit Card Directly on Etsy

pastel painting of cat on table

After Dinner Nap, pastel © B. E. Kazmarski

As an artist it’s my business to follow my muse and create what life brings to me. Click the image above to find out why Stanley is the face of  Portraits of Animals, and why this painting was important to my career as an animal artist.

As a self-employed small business owner it is my business to give you as many options and opportunities as possible to find what I create and make a purchase once you’ve decided you want something I’ve created.

Etsy, the online handmade marketplace, has made this decidedly easier for many of us so that we can spend more time doing what we do best, making stuff with their attractive interface and easy setup of accounts, shops and product displays.

Now they’ve added a new feature which not only makes transactions easier for us, but it may make many customers happy as well—you can now purchase with a credit card directly through Etsy, no PayPal involved, no redirect to your PayPal account or extra steps, so it’s quicker for you as well.

Read more at Portraits of Animals Marketplace, including a discount for purchases in April.


And be sure to visit my Etsy shop to see what’s currently available.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Three Cats From Above

colored pencil sketch of three cats from above

Three Cats From Above, colored pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

Mimi calmly sat in the sun, Mr. Sunshine had a nice bath, and Giuseppe sat looking at them, at me, out the window, into my bedroom. I loved the arrangement of the three, each doing their own thing but being together as good friends and loving relatives can be. They were fairly content, and I had my materials in hand as I was standing there so I didn’t distract them with my own movements.

I thought I was done with the sketch when I’d done the quick studies of each of the three, then I though that what had visually tied them together for me was also the rug they were on, which is that ubiquitous pink-flowered rug we’ve seen frequently lately in sketches and photos, but I didn’t want the pattern, just the connection.

I like to get an interesting perspective on them, like looking at them from above. It’s challenging after seeing them from nearly eye level a good bit of the time when I can finish a drawing just from memory if they completely move away. Just being able to store away all these other details has caused me to study them even more closely from angles like this.

And I’ve also come to enjoy colored pencil a lot more than I ever thought I would. I actually love just drawing, making a nice expressive line on paper to try to capture the essence of a scene in the least amount of marks on paper, and will most naturally gravitate to my old ebony drawing pencils as my most familiar medium. The colored pencils are coming in a close second, even ahead of my former second favorite, the charcoal pencils. The colored pencil set in my little art bag is just a student-grade—really elementary school grade—dozen box of thick-lead pencils, just 12 colors to choose from. I have a 60-pencil set in my studio that a friend gave me when she was cleaning out her stuff. I’ll have to indulge some time.


Unless I have linked the sketch to something else, which is rare with daily sketches, you can click the photo to see a larger version. I save them at 1000 pixels maximum dimension, and at that size the images are nearly twice the dimension and you can see more detail in many of the images I post; I hope you students do this. Please remember if you download or share, my name and the link back to the original image should always appear with it.

Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Mewsette is Sneaky

pencil sketch of cat

Mewsette is Sneaking, pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

Mewsette is attempting to sneak onto my desk where I have papers to lay out. I have lovingly moved her several times, and she now thinks that if she moves very slowly and stays as flat as she can that I won’t see her.

At least she did this often enough and moved slowly enough for me to sketch her both in action and from memory! I will remember that when I want then to pose.

Now, about that sitting in front of the monitor thing.


Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Mr. Sunshine Observes the Neighborhood

pencil sketch of cat

Mr. Sunshine Observes, pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

And we do not approve.

Actually, I don’t think that’s what he’s feeling at all. He’s focusing on something both inwardly seeing the tail curled and the compact, upright posture, and outwardly with his eyes slightly narrowed and one ear swiveled a bit to the side.

He sat still just long enough for me to sketch, but he left before I finished and had no reference photo, so he is also the Unfinished Mr. Sunshine. He was sitting in the light from two windows, so the highlights and shadows were very interesting, but were what I had to leave undone.


Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Nick, Slightly Unconventional

full portrait of himalayan cat

Nick, pastel, 10" x 12", 2003 © B.E. Kazmarski

Nick was a full-bred Himalayan and also a rescue cat. His person had won a certificate I’d donated to one of the animal shelter benefits and decided she wanted to remember this long-lived Himalayan cat who was just a little out of the ordinary in several ways.

For one thing, Nick was blind, and had been most of his life. The strange thing was she had no idea how long he’d been because he apparently adapted to it without notice, and for years looked right at her with those lovely blue eyes, truly seeming to focus on her face.

closeup of portrait of himalayan cat

Closeup of Nick's face.

His “sisters”, who were slightly younger, didn’t treat him any differently and he still followed all his habits, ate normally, drank his water, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She had noticed he seemed a little “dreamy”, gazing around, perhaps not focusing his eyes, but never anything obvious like running into something or getting lost. One year, on an annual exam, her veterinarian mentioned his blindness because his pupils did not react, and that was how she found out. It didn’t seem recent, may have been months or even years, but he never seemed to mind.

For another he liked to go outdoors to patrol the yard and driveway, never going farther, and even once he was blind he apparently still followed the same patterns outdoors—though that included the winter as well. In fact, he loved snow, almost as much as he enjoyed stretching himself out on the asphalt driveway in the sun, the black surface absorbing heat and reflecting it back on to him and his sisters. I didn’t see this but laughed at her description of them as “looking like a bunch of dustmops out there on the driveway”.

And there are elements in the relationship with an animal that can’t be examined, but which make them special to us, and this is where I love my portaiture. To her Nick was decidedly out of the ordinary, she wanted a slightly looser style of portrait, something a little different. I love to loosen up, especially with lots of fur, and I also like to work my pastels on different surfaces in addition to the sanded drawing paper I typically use for fully detailed portraits. I’ll use a textured paper or add texture to a heavier drawing surface using gesso or marble dust, adding a bit of fine or coarse grit medium to hold the pastel. In this case I mixed gesso and marble dust in equal parts so that it was thick enough to hold brush strokes and brushed it in thin layers onto the the surface horizontally, then vertically, several times letting each layer dry in between, creating a varied cross-hatch linen-like surface (look closely in the closeups of his face, above, and paw, below, to see the texture).

closeup of paw

Nick's paw.

So I loosened up the lines as well, in part because on that surface it’s difficult to get the level of fine photographic detail. Also, I can rub colors into the surface of the board, then gently brush another color over the texture to create depth, as you can see in the shadow above.

photo of himalayan cat

Nick's photo.

We used a photo I took that day and he shows obvious signs of age in his posture, how his paws are held and even the texture of his fur. It’s clear that his eyes are not focused, and might be obvious to someone with experience with a blind cat that he actually could not see.

We decided to be honest about where he was in physical posture and all he looked like at that age, but to make his eyes focus as she remembered them for most of his life, even when he’d been blind.

Not wanting any objects in the portraits, we decided a blue background to match his eyes would be attractive with him and complement his fur, making it a very subtly-colored portrait using such a limited palette.

Nick was 18 when I did this portrait and I believe he lived another two years beyond.


Take a look at other portraits and read other stories

Read articles here on The Creative Cat featuring current and past commissioned portraits.

Read about how I create commissioned portraits.

Commissioned Cat Portraitsportrait of black cat in wicker chair Commissioned Dog Portraitspastel portrait of dogs

Visit my website to see portraits of my cats, commissioned cats, commissioned dogs, people and a demonstration of how I put a portrait together from photos.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Mimi Among the Geraniums 2

sketch of black cat with green leaves

Mimi Among the Geraniums, brush marker © B.E. Kazmarski

Well, the last time I sketched this in colored pencil I was hoping I’d have the chance to capture it in brush marker, so today I did.

The markers don’t blend as well as colored pencil, but Mimi enjoys her sunbath in a slightly more abstract way because it’s just her and the leaves. This morning was too cold to have the window open, but that made the little windowsill like a greenhouse, trapping the sun’s warmth in the corner with her.

I like both sketches. There are elements of both mix of tones in the colored pencil and in the brushy bright solids of the brush markers. Soon those geraniums will go outside for the summer and the chance will be gone, but we’ll see what else I can do before then.


Unless I have linked the sketch to something else, which is rare with daily sketches, you can click the photo to see a larger version. I save them at 1000 pixels maximum dimension, and at that size the images are nearly twice the dimension and you can see more detail in many of the images I post; I hope you students do this. Please remember if you download or share, my name and the link back to the original image should always appear with it.

Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Two Green Cats

Colored pencil sketch of two cats

Two Green Cats, colored pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

Giuseppe is dark green, Jelly Bean is light green; I added the cranberry outlines for greater definition.

Bean is crouching just a bit as if he’s ready to lie down and curl up, but he really is significantly shorter than Giuseppe. Both are dozing under the kitty keep-warm lamps on my desk. Too bad for me if I need the light, quickly absorbed by two black cats.


Unless I have linked the sketch to something else, which is rare with daily sketches, you can click the photo to see a larger version. I save them at 1000 pixels maximum dimension, and at that size the images are nearly twice the dimension and you can see more detail in many of the images I post; I hope you students do this. Please remember if you download or share, my name and the link back to the original image should always appear with it.

Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.