New Page: News and Upcoming Events

pastel painting of cat in the sun on a table

After Dinner Nap

For those who read my blog but who aren’t on Facebook, I find and “share” many articles every day of interest to pet owners, wildlife supporters and animal enthusiasts of all sorts. This began as an occasional thing but became quite fulfilling to share articles written by friends, news items from around the internet and the works of other animal artists.

I’d re-post them on this blog, but some days I share a half dozen or more articles and that would be annoying to even the most patient blog reader.

Not everyone is on Facebook, though! As a solution to this conundrum, I’ve set up a page called News and Upcoming Events where I list a brief synopsis of the story and a link to the article.

You can become a fan of Portraits of Animals on Facebook if you have a Facebook account.


Here is a sampling of articles on News and Upcoming Events:

Please don’t buy a bunny just for Easter…
but if you want to adopt one as a pet this article outlines what it’s like to live with and care for a rabbit. And, unfortunately, shelters will be full of rabbits in a month or two who were purchased as Easter gifts…

You’d think that after all these years of stories just like this one – making a point that a pet bunny is not an awful impulsive purchase – the message would have sunk in. “I can’t say why the message …

Pittsburgh’s falcons in an age-old love triangle…
Falcons play soap opera melodrama Downtown
For all his majesty, Louie was not much taller than a folded newspaper. He alighted on his nest at the Gulf Tower Wednesday and glared through an office window. Then, standing near two lonely eggs, he turned his head and chirped to the sky.


Learning not to be feral
from the three brothers’ point of view! Love this photo too.

Hi there my name is Bees. Mom wasn’t sure if we were really going to live here when she first found us.

National Pet Parent’s Day Pittsburgh: April 25 Painting Party at Color Me Mine will donate proceeds to the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society from sales of animal-themed painted ceramic items. Become a fan and schedule your time to paint or check on the auction items later in April.

Bereavement for Service Dogs
Losing your best animal friend is difficult enough, but imagine if that companion animal had been your eye or ears or provided some other daily living necessity. Most persons who lived with service animals also trained with them, forming a bond that could potentially save their life. How to start over after that?
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement, Inc. (APLB) is the only Internet clearing house dealing with the loss of a pet. It is a nonprofit international alliance of bereavers and counselors, dedicated to helping others. …

The new issue of Catnip Chronicles is out, and they’ve published my poem “Pawprints and Raindrops” and my painting “Sunday Morning”! When you’re done reading, make sure you scroll to the bottom for “Table of Contents” and read the rest of this issue.

Bernadette Kazmarski is an artist as well as an animal welfare and environmental activitist. Under the supervision of her cats, she works at home designing books, web pages, logos and printed materials for a variety of customers as well as completing commissioned artwork. …

BZTAT Studios
How many of us can say that the companion animals we lived with when young brought us out of our shyness? Vickie Boatright of BZTAT Studios explains how animals eased her into the adult world and even today they’ve guided her through social networking. I’ll be meeting this artist at Blogpaws 2010!
When I was child, I was painfully shy. I am talking pathological anxiety, excruciating and terrified of people kind of shyness. Even though I have been a…

There is a red-winged blackbird in my yard, sounding off. Spring sounds like a red-winged blackbird.


Painting A Dog A Day, Kimberly Kelly Santini creates stunningly colorful and simple images of dogs and some cats, all for the benefits of shelters. Read about her work, and why she began painting a portrait of a dog each day four years ago.
Did you also know that Dog-a-Day proceeds benefit animal welfare? Together we have raised thousands of dollars to keep tails wagging and purr-boxes content. With each additional sale that number keeps on growing. Join the fun – commission inquiries always welcomed.
Dogs and Wolves Are Not the Same

Dogs and wolves really can’t be compared for behavior, though we’ve based much of our understanding of dog training and behavior on observing wolves.
A wolf won’t look at you the same way as a dog. According to a Hungarian study (from Current Biology, 2003), dogs do far better at understanding people or even making the attempt, compared to socialized wolves.

Office Cats
This one was a hit with many of us–Ingrid, Anita and, of course, Henry the Feline Fiber Artist!
It’s not a perfect workplace. No place is. But purrfect wouldn’t be far wrong.The appearance of a couple of stray cats about 15 years ago has helped define River City Studio’s …
Cat College

Cat College from (and the editors of Cat Fancy magazine) beginning second “semester” now! What better way to learn the basics–nutrition, genetics, sociology and more. One of these days I’ll have to add one more “thing” to my schedule and see how much I really know.
Cat College Curriculum
This Good. That Bad. Benefit Writing Contest

“This Good. That Bad.” was founded by Melissa Peterson in 2009 and offers fundraising
products to animal charities with the pet adoption logo “Adoption good.
Homeless bad.” and executes sales on their behalf. Here’s a writing contest where the prize is a donation to your favorite animal charity.
PR: The This good-That bad (TGTB) creative writing contest asks entrants to complete a sentiment in 125 characters or less by explaining how their pets keep them sane. Prizes include cash donation to the winner’s selected 501(c)3 companion animal charity, signed books, T-shirts and other pet and…
Look for the Leaping Bunny

Not sure what companies test their beauty products on animals or actually use animals in the manufacture of their products? Or if a manufacturer’s “cruelty-free” claims are true or what they actually mean? Look for the “Leaping Bunny” on products and visit their website to see who they’ve certified and what the certification entails.
The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics’ (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program administers a cruelty-free standard and the internationally recognized Leaping Bunny Logo for companies producing cosmetic, personal care, and household products.

“In order to keep a true perspective of one’s importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him.” ~unknown
Done for the site Illustration Friday. This weeks theme being “Perspective” and based around the above quote. The illustration is pretty much a literal interpretation of the quote and a good excuse to do illustrations of pets…

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