About My Life as an Animal Artist

Me with Kublai, many years ago.

Me with Kublai, many years ago.

I have my cats to thank for being an artist. When, as an adult, I chose to pick up a pencil and paper and put them together, it was because images of my cats kept appearing in my thoughts as pencil drawings and paintings and I decided to draw what I was envisioning.

Through the years my cats have been the subjects of dozens of works, and others, seeing these works, want a similar piece with their own animal companion as a subject. I have had the pleasure of creating more than 100 commissioned portraits of cats, dogs, cats and dogs, and cats and dogs and people. They are gifts for loved ones, memorials to cherished companions who’ve gone before us, and lovely pieces of artwork featuring an animal a person loved. Animals give us so much in everyday life, but my cats have given me my career.

Because cats and dogs and animal welfare issues are a big passion of mine, I work frequently with local animal welfare organizations both in fostering and in donating materials for their benefit auctions.

I also paint other subjects. I carry a sketchbook around with me to capture scenes around the house and out in the street in pencil and ink. I can store a half dozen paintings in my head from one walk in the woods, I grow flowers to paint in the garden and as still lifes, and I study birds and wildlife for individual and scenic works.

Aside from my artwork and animal welfare activities, I also participate in local environmental activities as a volunteer garden steward for the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, and work with several environmental organizations in the Lower Chartiers Watershed to publicize issues, events and activities in the watershed.

Under the supervision of my cats, I have the joy of working at home to design books, web pages, logos and various printed materials for a variety of customers as well as completing commissioned animal portraits and other commissioned work.

On this site, also visit Commissioned Animal Portraits and Animal-Inspired Merchandise.

To see my cats at work in my art and photography, and to see more of what I do all day, visit my website at http://www.bernadette-k.com.

11 Comments on “About My Life as an Animal Artist”

  1. Mark says:

    Hi, I’ve nominated you for The Kreativ Blogger Award, and I know some people don’t do the award thing, but if you chose to accept all you have to do is list seven facts about yourself and nominate a further seven blogs, listing them in your acceptance post and informing them personally by comment or email.

    My post is here http://markjwallis.wordpress.com/2012/04/15/the-vibes-wins-the-kreativ-blogger-award/

    • animalartist says:

      Mark, thanks! Your blog is so much more creative than mine! I love all the headers and backgrounds and so on, but I’m very flattered you nominated me. I’ll get to my response.

      • Mark says:

        Well, my wrapping is pretty but you are a great painter and your observations of cat behaviour are sublime. I always laugh when I open your posts.

  2. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    What a wonderful life being an animal artist – but cats, oh cats. I LOVE them. I have just thoroughly enjoyed looking around your site. It is no wonder you have had so many commissions. Big cheers to you 🙂

  3. […] was both: a friend’s cat, and a Reiki client. She was also a tortie. Cookie belonged to animal artist Bernadette Kazmarski. Early this morning, at the ripe old age of 19 years, Cookie passed away after a long and steady, […]

  4. Dianda says:

    You truly are talented! Great artworks on your website!

  5. I am a fan of all things cats, writing, and art. So, you can imagine my delight when I typed “cats” in the wordpress tags search bar and your blog was revealed as one of the search results. Your pet artwork is beautiful! “Stunningly soft”. There’s a gentleness that comes through your art and I love it. Check out my blog and you can use one of my kitties as your model. Or just check it out. 🙂

  6. I could not help leaving a comment to express my admiration for you and your work. (Honestly, I don’t know how you find enough time in the day to do all that you do!) Your portraits are stunning, and your writing style is captivating. I look forward to reading about your upcoming ventures, in both the art and animal world!

    • animalartist says:

      Thank you for visiting! All the way from Italy–how exciting! And I truly enjoyed my visit to your blog as well. I love your cards. I’ve been working on a looser style lately, not so serious! Looking at others’ cards is always in inspiration.

  7. arzki says:

    Wonderfull blog. I love your work. Keep it up.

    Cheers, from a cat lover.

  8. Dear Bernadette and Kitties,
    You are so special. I love your site and the sensitivity it exudes. 😉
    I am blest to have the love and companionship of our pets. They take very good care of me, as I do of them. God(dess) protect the precious and defenseless animals awaiting loving homes. So many are being put to sleep because shelters are bursting.
    Dr. Ruby Yanez, Ch.t

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