Neighborhood Blockwatch Cats

three black cats looking out window

Blockwatch Kitties

It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. On this shift, it’s Giuseppe, Jelly Bean and Mimi at their post at the front window, watching the front street.

The others may change, but Mimi takes her role in this very seriously. After all, she lived out there and knows the evil that might be lurking on a sunny suburban street.

“Look, Eli and Emma are going to school.”

“There’s that daredevil squirrel walking on the top wires again.”

“Who’s that? Mom calls those strangers ‘busway people’.”

“I see the Willards have gotten a new computer desk—neat box! Wish we got new things like that.”

“Oh—hey—there’s that big tabby cat who was on the deck yesterday!”

“He’s coming right across the street!”

“That @#$^&%*& intruder had better watch his step!”

“Let’s go get him!”

And with that their shift has briefly gone on break as they and most of the rest of the house run from window to window to watch the intruder cat brazenly walk through our yard and even up onto the porch, yowling and threatening and hitting each other, and that *^#%@@#!$ tabby cat with white paws stands outside the window leering in.