Black and Gold Kitties

black cat with steelers hat

Mewsette Supports Black and Gold

Mewsette models the little Steelers hat—I know, it’s the wrong era, but I haven’t made these things since he 70s, and this one belonged to my mother so I’ve kept it. Anyone want to guess who “32” is? I don’t know if there’s a 32 on the team today, but the answer is at the bottom of this post.

black cat wearing steelers hat

Mewsette models the hat.

The Fantastic Four would have been perfectly happy to model the hat but it kept falling off. I only managed to get a photo of Mewsette wearing the hat just before it fell forward, and she looks a little uncertain about the situation. She looks more than pleased to support the Black and Gold in the photo at the top.

two black cats with round gold eyes

Those Luminous Eyes

Aside from five black cats, most of whom have gold eyes, a nice touch, I have two tortoiseshell girls who are naturally black and gold. Below they are sleeping on my lap while I work at my computer, or while I take a break from working to photograph them.

two tortoiseshell cats on lap

Kelly and Cookie take over my lap.

Read about another famous tortoiseshell kitty whose name is actually Steeler on my blog and on The Conscious Cat. I have no idea how many views Steeler’s photo has on WTAE’s website, but it was over 50,000 at one point.

And the answer to the player number above is Franco Harris.