Daily Sketch: Line of Giuseppe

line drawing of cat

Line of Giuseppe, ink © B.E. Kazmarski

Giuseppe was politely sleeping on my desk, so he became today’s subject as I attempted another reticulation, a drawing in one long line without lifting your pen from the paper and without stopping. Technically, the lines shouldn’t cross either, but in this case I was also trying to draw without looking at the paper just to see how tightly connected my eyes and right hand were. Honestly, I did look down twice, on his face and on his ears.

Overall I think it came out okay, and this is a great exercise for warm-up or for training your hand to trust what your eyes see.


Unless I have linked the photo to something else, which is rare with daily photos, you can click the photo to see a larger version. I save them at 1000 pixels maximum dimension, and at that size the photos are nearly twice the dimension and you can see more detail in many of the photos I post. Please remember if you download or share, my name and the link back to the original photo should always appear with it.

Click here to see other daily sketches.

For a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

Read about the reason for the daily sketches in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches.

And read about purchasing them and requesting them as a donation item for your shelter or rescue group in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches for Sale and Donation.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: On the Flowered Rug

sketch of two black cats on rug

On the Flowered Rug, marker © B.E. Kazmarski

These two settled on the landing for a good bit of the afternoon and I decided to take a moment to sketch them on the flowered rug, in whatever positions they were in at the moment.

I was happy enough with the sketch, but when I scanned it the lighter pink, kind of a bright highlighter pink, did not scan at all. Nothing, no color in that area. I put down another layer hoping that would darken it enough. Pale pink. I actually laid yellow down over it, and finally it scanned as…yellow-orange. In PhotoShop I changed the tone, hue and saturation of the yellow and came up with this pink, which is actually closer to the real pink than the bright highlighter pink was, but now all the other colors are different. Except the black. But anyway, it’s the two figures I like.


Unless I have linked the photo to something else, which is rare with daily photos, you can click the photo to see a larger version. I save them at 1000 pixels maximum dimension, and at that size the photos are nearly twice the dimension and you can see more detail in many of the photos I post. Please remember if you download or share, my name and the link back to the original photo should always appear with it.

Click here to see other daily sketches.

For a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

Read about the reason for the daily sketches in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches.

And read about purchasing them and requesting them as a donation item for your shelter or rescue group in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches for Sale and Donation.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: One of Those Positions

charcoal sketch of cat with leg in the air

One of Those, charcoal © B.E. Kazmarski

I was planning on a nice, quiet, peaceful classic charcoal sketch of Mr. Sunshine as a loaf, dozing with nice deep shadows and gentle highlights at the end of the day, ears in nice positions listening to the evening birds outside the window, eyes slowly blinking. Really looking forward to it I even had my sketchbook ready and all the charcoal pencils and sticks I needed all set up. I picked up my pencil to do a light outline…

…and he jumped up and thrust his leg in the air and began licking himself. Now he’s curled and quietly sleeping, looking like a peaceful little angel. But mom gets her revenge. So he gets one of these sketches today.


Unless I have linked the photo to something else, which is rare with daily photos, you can click the photo to see a larger version. I save them at 1000 pixels maximum dimension, and at that size the photos are nearly twice the dimension and you can see more detail in many of the photos I post. Please remember if you download or share, my name and the link back to the original photo should always appear with it.

Click here to see other daily sketches.

For a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

Read about the reason for the daily sketches in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches.

And read about purchasing them and requesting them as a donation item for your shelter or rescue group in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches for Sale and Donation.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Mimi Among the Geraniums

sketch of black cat in green leaves

Mimi Among the Geraniums, colored pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

Mimi enjoys a sunbath on the windowsill on the landing, which gets full morning sun. It’s only 18″ wide and 8″ deep, not really big enough for too many cats at one time, so it’s a prized spot, warm and cozy, with a great view. And when the window is open the breeze is wonderful and brings in lots of sounds and scents for kitties to dream about.

Of course there is quite a bit of reflected light on Mimi’s black fur, which we know is not entirely black but quite brown. I had intended to sketch her in black for a contrast of her with the green leaves, but then I saw the colors and all was lost

I hope she does this again when I have the time to sketch her—I’d like to try it in other media, brush markers and watercolor pencils.


Unless I have linked the sketch to something else, which is rare with daily sketches, you can click the photo to see a larger version. I save them at 1000 pixels maximum dimension, and at that size the images are nearly twice the dimension and you can see more detail in many of the images I post; I hope you students do this. Please remember if you download or share, my name and the link back to the original image should always appear with it.

Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Kitty’s Sleeping

conte sketch of cat sleeping

Kitty's Sleeping, red and brown conté © B.E. Kazmarski

Kelly is beginning to drip off the edge of the book case she’s chosen as her current daily sleeping spot. I’m not sure why she chooses an exposed and uncomfortable spot like this—at least, that’s my perception. Still, clinging to the corner of a tall cabinet can’t be relaxing, yet she falls asleep and I find all sorts of limbs hanging down.

In this case, she is curled and relaxed and falling apart just a little.

“Kitty’s sleeping” is something we said to children to help keep them quiet.


Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Contrast Couple

charcoal sketch of two black cats

Contrast Couple, charcoal pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

Jelly Bean and Mimi hang out in the sun on the counter by the dining room window.

A nice contrasty sketch since the sun was bright, using a good soft charcoal pencil; not as dusty or smeary as the vine charcoal, but a nice dense black, just right for two black cats with deep shadows.

Mimi and Bean have been hanging out lately, as in the sketch a few days ago, Cats on the Edge. Mimi tends to spend a few days at a time with each of her kids.


Click here to see other daily sketches.

For a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

Read about the reason for the daily sketches in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches.

And read about purchasing them and requesting them as a donation item for your shelter or rescue group in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches for Sale and Donation.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: The Toy Dance

colored pencil sketch of cat

The Toy Dance, colored pencil © B.E. Kazmarski

Jelly Bean dances around on a toy. I love it when they do this, all four legs going in different directions and they look like they’d get tangled and fall down! That only happens when they want it to.

I didn’t sketch the toy, though I think it was something unconventional like a scrap of paper trimming from one of my projects.

I do like green, and while Giuseppe Verdi is a green kitty for several reasons, Jelly Bean is as well, but he’s a lighter green. I sketch him in blue now and then too.

Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.


All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Boys at the Sink, again

sketch of black cats at green sink

Sketch of Boys at Sink

I was too busy messing around today to do a new sketch, so I decided I’d run a green on for St. Patrick’s Day. This sketch was one of the very first ones I did from December 5, 2011. And what is it? The boys at the sink, including both green and orange!

Today, something I see all the time and post photos frequently, but just wanted to test my skills with their odd positions and fast movements. Giuseppe is looking as if he needs to hop up and down from the sink a lot more often, but his big gut is just because of his awkward compressed position, hind paws on the sink edge, one front paw in the sink and the other on the edge of the sink next to Mr. Sunshine.

I love what they do with their ears when they are drinking.

I decided to use the colored pencil today since it was on my mind and I have ones that exactly match my sink and the orange cups I use! It was a nice idea, but I actually like the sketch better in black and white. And with the magic of PhotoShop, we get to see it that way.

sketch of two cats at sink

Same sketch, black and white

Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.


All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Special on Green Things in My Etsy Shop Today

black cat card

"God, I'm Cute"

I may not be Irish, but while everyone knows my first name is “Bernadette”, you probably don’t know my middle name is “Eileen”. Following a name like “Bernadette Eileen” I’m sure a Polish surname like “Kazmarski” is the last thing you expect—perhaps something like O’Toole or McShane (two Irish families I grew up with). So for St. Patrick’s Day a friend has pronounced I am honorarily “Bernadette Eileen O’Kazmarski”. Goes along with my bright henna-red hair, yes? Let the celebration begin!

I love totally random sales, and looking at the gallery of things that are tagged as “green” in my Etsy shop it certainly looks that way—original artwork, greeting cards, gift bags—and not just feline-themed things but also wildlife and nature and flowers!

still life of pepper in bowl

One Pepper, pastel © B.E. Kazmarski

Just for St. Patrick’s Day I’ve got 10% off your entire order if you buy one of the things tagged with green in this gallery in my Etsy shop. Just use the code STPATRICKGREEN10 when you place your order.

pastel painting of a cat looking out a window

Winter Window, pastel © B.E. Kazmarski; this painting is of Kelly, click the image to read about it.

And as I mentioned, it’s not just 10% off your green item, it’s 10% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER if you purchase one of the items in the green gallery.

crocheted sunflower washcloths

Set of three cotton washcloths, designed and crocheted by me (and supervised by guess who).

Happy shopping! And Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


Read about more of the things I create that are inspired by my cats in the category “Marketplace”.

And be sure to visit my Etsy shop to see what’s currently available.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Daily Sketch: Cats on the Edge

sketch of two cats on top of box

Cats on the Edge, charcoal © B.E. Kazmarski

Jelly Bean and Mimi curl up on the top of the highest box on the stacks in my office. But they could curl up in the center of it, they don’t have to hang on the edge. Both of them like it that way too—Mimi is always on the corner, even when she’s up there alone.

Yes, the box is as beat-up as it looks, and it’s also listing along with the ones underneath it; I like sketching objects now and then. And they will all be moving to other areas in the house this weekend. The kids will miss these boxes—cats love heights, and while they have two other perching places in this room each of which can fit two of them at a time, one up near the ceiling, these boxes are: 1) new;  2) higher than me, and; 3) right behind me, so they can really look down on me and even jump down onto my shoulder.


Click here to see other daily sketches.

For a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

Read about the reason for the daily sketches in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches.

And read about purchasing them and requesting them as a donation item for your shelter or rescue group in The Artist’s Life: Daily Sketches for Sale and Donation.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.