
black cat at top of stairs

Mewsette is ready for me.

Hi! I’m here! I raced you up the stairs and I beat you to the top! I ran around and I’ve been waiting for you! What are we going to do? This is so exciting! Are we going to make the bed? And you’ll pet me and kiss me on the forehead? Or are we going in the bathroom where I can play in the tub? Is Cookie coming too? Then what do we do? I can’t wait! I’m so excited!

Mewsette really does race me up the stairs, and she’s so happy she does a wheelie at the top—stands up on her hind legs then does a little hop and runs in a little circle. Then she turns around and rubs her whole self against the edge of the wall, and as if she’s not big enough already, she arches her back and stands on her hind toes, and arches her tail. Mousse has a whispery purr and a soft and gentle “rouw?” of a meow and she puts forth all her ample happiness as a greeting to me, offering me her plush forehead to be kissed.

How wonderful to be so happy for simple things. My cats always remind me of the importance of simple things. Perhaps it’s their greatest gift to themselves and to me.

On the Prowl

cat with toy in bathtub

Stalking the wild crackle ball.

Mewsette is just waiting for that sparkly crackle ball to make one false move and it’s curtains! You can tell by the curl in her tail that it’s a tense moment.

Nearly everyone took some time to play a little tub hockey with the crackle ball which suddenly showed up out of nowhere after being AWOL for a few months. They like just about any ball, especially in the tub, but the crackle ball makes a really satisfying noise whenever it moves and even when they pick it up.

It also fits perfectly in the tub drain with just enough protruding to pull it back out and start all over again. Mewsette’s game of tub hockey turned into miniature golf as she scored several holes in one, and holes in several.

Oh Very Young…

black cat looking up

Mewsette asks for more.

“Mmmm, that smells good! Can I have some?”

“No, Mewsette, this food is for the senior girls.”

“I’m a girl. Can’t I have some?”

“Indeed you are a girl, but you’re a young girl, not anywhere near being a senior girl.”

“Why does that mean I can’t eat when they do? Why do they get to eat all the time when we can only eat twice a day?”

“They are older and can’t eat as much at one sitting, so I feed them in between.”

“You’ve got to be kidding—I’ve seen Cookie pack it in and lick her dish!”

“I don’t give her as much as I give you.”

“That’s not fair. I want to be old so I can eat all day.”

“Someday, Mousse, you will be old, but it’s going to be a long time before you get there.”

“How long do I have to wait to be old?”

“Well, you’re just past three years old so you’re barely an adult kitty and you’ve got a long way to go.”

“How old is Kelly?”

“She is sixteen.”

“How old is Cookie?”

“She is eighteen.”

“How old was Peaches?”

“She was twenty.”

“Peaches always let me take a few bites of her food.”

“I know. Peaches was a nice kitty.”

“She was. I miss her. She was a nice pillow too.”

“You all took good care of her.”

“So how long till I’m old?”

“Never, if I have anything to say about it.”

“That’s not fair! Why?”

“Because after you get old, then you go away like Peaches did.”


“I want you around for a long, long time, Mewsette.”

“I might be around longer if you fed me more.”

“Oh, Mewsette! Well, at least I kept you occupied long enough for the girls to finish their lunch.”

Sunshine On My Shoulders Makes Me Breakdance

Black cat rolling on floor

Mewsette just can't contain her joy.

Even though it was a chill morning, I still opened the basement door briefly once the sun rose so we could listen to the birds chattering outside, watch the chipmunks scurry past the door and enjoy our sun and fresh air first thing. Mewsette wiggles and rolls and flings her paws around in the feline breakdance.

I usually spend some time on my exercise bicycle, and it’s all a big imaginary outdoor experience for all of us. I can’t be trusted to ride my real bicycle or even take a walk because I’ll take my camera and not return until noon.

Sorry for the sad pun on the song, but I’ve thought this for years as generations of cats writhed around in the sun on the basement floor. I know the sun makes them feel good but they don’t do quite the performance anywhere else in the house. Perhaps the concrete gives a good back rub!