Kelly With Squashes

cat with squashes and green dish

Kelly With Squashes

Kelly steps out again today after a week or so in the bottom shelf of a cabinet. She’s been trying to figure things out, and I am just letting that happen. And she didn’t step out voluntarily—I placed her in the sun on this cabinet and gave her lots of love, just her, and she decided it was such a good idea that she is still on that cabinet, even though the sun is long gone. Just a little encouragement goes a long way with a delicate sensibility like Kelly.

She also graced me with a lovely multi-part bath session resulting in about 2GB of photos of Kelly bathing.

But they were each very much worth the time. I will have to share them in groups somehow, but for now I am exhausted by the excitement of a one-hour photo session (after a day of much photography, it was just so beautiful) and downloading and reviewing the photos, trying to choose one to share tonight.

I chose this one because of its multiple interest points, color scheme and resemblance to a classic still life though it has a certain oddness about it that I find intriguing. Those squashes are a few acorn squash I didn’t realize I still had, having faded to yellow from the rich deep forest green of autumn. The decorative dish is avacado green tempered glass and gracefully formed, the base is a brass-tone composite metal, the two colors and textures, or lack thereof, contrasting nicely.

As far as still lifes with cats go, it’s not quite Kelly With Apples for peace and contentment, though there is one similar to that in this series that I took intentionally, but it is certainly interesting to look at. Looks like another painting to me, and perhaps the other still life too.

And though Photoshop’s artistic filters don’t resemble any styles that I know of I like to play with them just to see what and image might look like. I used “dry brush” because I think it looks more like a watercolor than the watercolor filter does.

cat with squashes

Kelly With Squashes, dry brush filter applied.


To see more daily photos go to “Daily Images” in the menu and choose “All Photos” or any other category.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

4 Comments on “Kelly With Squashes”

  1. […] I really did try to get one of her similar to Kelly with Squashes and perhaps even Kelly with Apples and Scale, prowling around the kitchen with my camera to get […]

  2. […] I really did try to get one of her similar to Kelly with Squashes and perhaps even Kelly with Apples and Scale, prowling around the kitchen with my camera to get […]

  3. […] light and Kelly’s activities were very similar today to yesterday, so I did not take another 2GB of photos of Kelly bathing but decided to use another from that […]

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