A Pile of Cats

five black cats in a pile

A Pile of Cats

If anybody doubted that all five black cats truly pile up on my desk for most of the afternoon while I’m working, here is proof.

Of course, this is after the tortie girls had my lap, desk and keyboard all morning. Mimi joins the senior girls as well, not to be left out of any opportunity, so she spends most of every day at my desk. I told her she needed to learn some job skills if she’s going to spend the morning sitting on my wrist and the afternoon sitting on her children.

I’m sure they all like me and enjoy spending time with me but I know their dedication to my desk has to do with the “kitty keep-warm lamps”. During the summer I don’t use the task lights very often because the room is generally bright enough, and the lights are just too darned hot. As the air cools and the sun drops down lower in the sky, my office is suddenly darker with all the trees outside. From then I turn the lights on, and if I ever needed a passive cat-herding apparatus it would be these lights. I have actually set up lights elsewhere just to see what happens, and they are immediately popular.

From the left, in the front, they are Jelly Bean, Mewsette, Giuseppe and Mr. Sunshine. Mimi came in later, walked on them all touching up ears and foreheads with little mom-baths, then settled down on top of Mewsette and Giuseppe. Jelly Bean initially tried to curl up along the front edge, but kept sliding off onto my keyboard.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

13 Comments on “A Pile of Cats”

  1. Magdalena Plewinska says:

    I love your black kitty pile. the task lamps are a big feline attraction around here as well 🙂

    • animalartist says:

      I have to get them their own lamps–I use task lights all the time for the work I do, but it’s darned difficult to see what I’m doing with a cat sleeping on it!

      Lovely Polish name! Magdalena has always been one of my favorites, though if I had not been named Bernadette (which I love), I would have wanted to be Sophia after my grandmother.

  2. Magdalena Plewinska says:

    I love your cat pile. The task lamps are a popular feline attraction around here as well 🙂

  3. […] photo, A Pile of Cats and All Cats on Desk were just from the past two days, but this sort of treatment is constant. I […]

  4. […] I said about yesterday’s photo, I’m sure they all like me and enjoy spending time with me but I know their dedication to my […]

  5. There’s just no such thing as too many black kitties – what a fabulous photo!

  6. Wow! That picture is just gorgeous. I love it!

  7. It’s a kitty “cuddle pile!!!”

  8. Ingrid King says:

    It’s a miracle you ever get anything done!

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