I’m One Tough Cookie

tortoiseshell cat on log

Cookie the Lioness.

Someone’s feeling better!

Cookie the Lioness is on her log in the wilderness and all is right with the world.

It’s just a short step up but considering she could barely walk the other day, this is an accomplishment. Cookie is surprised anyone would expect less. I wish I could have caught the full indignation of her green eyes, but it was so dark outside all day I just couldn’t focus before she looked down.

tortoiseshell cat looking out door

Cookie dreams of her back yard.

But we want to thank everyone for the good wishes since she’s been ill. We visited another veterinarian (my regular vet is out of town for the holiday) and had an exam and blood tests and have some new directions to take with her treatment. She’s responding well already and we haven’t even begun some of them.

The staff remarked how good she looked for 19. “I don’t know what a 19-year-old cat is supposed to look like, but I am not just any 19-year-old cat,” Cookie says. But even I had noticed I don’t see the somewhat milky, bluish dilated pupils and extreme striations in her eyes or the gaunt face I’ve seen on other cats her age. “I am a goddess, you remember,” she responds. Immortal, you mean? Sometimes Cookie just gets full of herself.

And even when we are back inside, dry and warmed up, we sit at the door and dream about being in the back yard.

Being slightly indisposed, Cookie apparently told Mewsette, her understudy, it was time to get to work and start monitoring me, and since yesterday morning Mewsette has been with me non-stop, very comforting and affectionate and purring, and all the black cats have been attentive as well.

But someone slipped up in my supervision and I had another little gall bladder attack yesterday…I was more concerned I might not be able to take care of Cookie! But I also didn’t get the chance to update on Cookie’s progress yesterday and we hope no one was worried.


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All images and text used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used in any way without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

7 Comments on “I’m One Tough Cookie”

  1. Cookie the tortie lioness looks so magnificent in her improvement!!! Here’s hoping for good health for you and yours!!!

  2. animalartist says:

    Cookie’s wellness and mine are very closely tied–I’m not sure if she was trying to carry me and it wore her out or if I was trying to carry her and the worry got to me! Sorry for causing worry yesterday; I thought I’d at least post a note that she was doing better but just couldn’t get it together. Thanks for your concern!

  3. Glad to hear Cookie’s up and bossing everybody around, Bernadette — hope you yourself are doing better —

  4. Anita says:

    Cookie is one tough Cookie!! It’s nice to see her enjoy the back yard. I interpreted the lack of updates to mean that Cookie’s journey was demanding your full attention, and I was a tad concerned, so was sending wishes your way. I am glad to hear that Cookie is improving, and sorry to hear of your discomfort. Healing wishes to both of you!

  5. Linda Chapman says:

    I was worried only because of Cookie not well. I had no idea you were the one having problems! Hope you are healing as I will also say some prayers for you too! Do take care and I do hope that this coming New Year will be good for all! Luv Linda

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