Daily Sketch: Kitty’s Sleeping

conte sketch of cat sleeping

Kitty's Sleeping, red and brown conté © B.E. Kazmarski

Kelly is beginning to drip off the edge of the book case she’s chosen as her current daily sleeping spot. I’m not sure why she chooses an exposed and uncomfortable spot like this—at least, that’s my perception. Still, clinging to the corner of a tall cabinet can’t be relaxing, yet she falls asleep and I find all sorts of limbs hanging down.

In this case, she is curled and relaxed and falling apart just a little.

“Kitty’s sleeping” is something we said to children to help keep them quiet.


Click here to see other daily sketches, and for a gallery of the ones available for sale, visit my Etsy shop in the “Daily Sketches” section.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.

Listening to Mom

two black cats in sun

Giuseppe attentively listens to Mimi.

Giuseppe is resting but attentive when he and Mimi were resting together in the sun on the landing. I know they were communicating very deeply, and Giuseppe’s golden eyes were glowing as he calmly listened. Was she telling stories of life on the streets? Telling him about his daddy cat? Perhaps giving him tips on how to further woo Mademoiselle Daisy Emerald Marguerite? Perhaps the relative flavor of chipmunk versus field mouse?

Not for me to know, I suppose, silly human that I am, outnumbered and outwitted daily by the wisdom of cats.

So many lovely photos today I had a truly difficult time choosing. I think I’ll cheat and use a few others on other days.

And unless I have linked the photo to something else, which is rare with daily photos, you can click the photo to see a larger version. I save them at 1000 pixels maximum dimension, and at that level you can see more detail in many of the photos I post. Please remember if you download or share, my name and the link back to the original photo should always appear with it.


To see more daily photos go to “Daily Images” in the menu and choose “All Photos” or any other category.

All images used on this site are copyrighted to Bernadette E. Kazmarski unless otherwise noted and may not be used without my written permission. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing one as a print, or to use in a print or internet publication.