Simon Says…

cat with three legs

Simon Says...

What are you looking at?

Simon is another incredible rescue I’ve met recently.

Animals are amazingly adaptive when it comes to changes in their bodies. Simon was a stray being fed outside by a couple in a rural area next to a farm as they tried to determine if he belonged to someone. Unfortunately he came back one day dragging a trap on his leg.

He spent a month in the veterinary hospital while the veterinarian valiantly tried to save the leg, but it just kept breaking again and again. Simon was in extreme pain, so they decided to remove the leg.

cat with three legs

Simon waves his tail.

He came home the day after the amputation surgery and walked around as if nothing had happened except that he now had a slightly altered gait. He also had no problem being an indoor cat after that experience.

No one knows where Simon came from, and it’s sad to think what would have happened to him had he not felt comfortable with the couple who was giving him food and shelter outdoors. But he’s got a loving home now and a long life ahead of him.

6 Comments on “Simon Says…”

  1. […] like this story of Patches and Cooper. This family has continued to rescue other cats, including Simon, and I’ll have more stories to tell about their family of cats ranging from those comfortably […]

  2. What a sweetheart. My friend rescued a cat who had lost a leg, and she tells me that “Chester” rules the roost in that family!!

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